Image 853245

Image Record: [853245]  Cytheroidea hierarchy

Contributor:Alexandra Galindoemail
Submitter:Alexandra Galindoemail
Group:Samotracia's group
Date Submitted:2015-03-17 
Last Modified:2015-11-29
Publish Date:2016-02-01
Description:Image added

Magnification: NULL
Dimension (px): 2936x2284
Resolution (PPI):
Submitted as: jpg
Original File Name: Ostracod sp. 34 (edited).jpg
Photographer: Alexandra Galindo

View id: 853234
Specimen part: Whole body
Angle: External, right, lateral
Technique: Visionary digital with Helicon focus
Preparation: Ethanol preserved

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Copyright: Alexandra Galindo
License: Creative Commons License
Morphbank biodiversity NSF FSU Florida State University Samotracia's group Alexandra Galindo Visionary digital with Helicon focus Ethanol preserved Whole body External, right, lateral Undetermined Undetermined Dr. Nikolaos V. Schizas Undetermined  Caribbean Sea USA Puerto Rico  Hole In Wall, La Parguera University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Animalia Arthropoda Crustacea Ostracoda Podocopa Podocopida Cytherocopina Cytheroidea
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Specimen id: 853244
Basis of record: [S] - Specimen
Sex: Undetermined
Form: Undetermined
Stage: Undetermined
Catalog number:
Collector: Dr. Nikolaos V. Schizas
Date collected: 2011-02-10


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Locality Id: 853243
Water Body: Caribbean Sea
Country: USA
State/Province: Puerto Rico
Locality: Hole In Wall, La Parguera
Latitude: 17.88476
Longitude: -67.02192
Elevation (m):
Depth (m): 47



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Related Annotations

 Taxonomic NameTaxon AuthorPrefixSuffixiconicon
CytheroideaBaird, 1850nonenone10