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Plantae (202422) >> Rhodophyta (660046) >> Rhodophyceae (11453) >> Florideophycidae (660048) >> Corallinales (660049) >> Corallinaceae (12303) >> Amphiroa (12495)

Search Result

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Amphiroa12495J. V. Lamour.ITISaccepted Genus

Children of Amphiroa

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Amphiroa anchiverricosa12517 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa annulata12504 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa valonioidesSpecies
Amphiroa annulata pinnata12505 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa valonioidesVariety
Amphiroa beauvoisii12508Lamourouxrosy calcareous algae ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa brasiliana183135DecaisneITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa brevianceps12497 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa crassa12522 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa crosslandi12512 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa diorpha12513 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa drouetii12510 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa beauvoisiiSpecies
Amphiroa foliacea12514 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa fragilissima12511(Linnaeus) LamourouxITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa franciscana12503 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa valonioidesSpecies
Amphiroa franciscana robusta12509 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa beauvoisiiVariety
Amphiroa magdalensis12498 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa mexicana12516 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa misakiensis12499 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa nodulosa12523 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa pacifica12518 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa regularis12515 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa rigida12500 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa subcylindrica12507 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa van-bosseaeSpecies
Amphiroa taylori12501 ITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa rigidaSpecies
Amphiroa tribulus12519(Ellis and Solander) LamourouxITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa tuberculosa12521 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa valonioides12502 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa van-bosseae12506 ITISaccepted Species
Amphiroa zonata12496 ITISaccepted Species
Corallina tribulus12520Ellis and SolanderITISnot acceptedsynonym of Amphiroa tribulusSpecies