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Animalia (202423) >> Echiura (154972)

Search Result

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Echiura154972Newby, 1940burrow worms echiuran worms bonellies échiuriens echiurans ITISvalid Phylum

Children of Echiura

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Echiurida154973Bock, 1942ITISinvalidother, see comments of EchiuraPhylum
Echiuridea999015280  publicmtsnClass
Echiuroinea705712Bock, 1942spoon worms ITISvalid Order
Xenopneusta155142Fisher, 1946ITISvalid Order