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Animalia (202423) >> Chordata (158852) >> Vertebrata (331030) >> Aves (174371) >> Gruiformes (176147)

Search Result

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Gruiformes176147 Cranes Rails grues râles ITISvalid Order

Children of Gruiformes

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Aramidae176195 Limpkins Limpkin ITISvalid Family
Cariamae176410 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Cariamidae176411 Seriemas ITISvalid Family
Eurypygae176406 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Eurypygidae176407 Sunbittern ITISvalid Family
Grues176173 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Gruidae176174 Cranes ITISvalid Family
Heliornithes176395 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Heliornithidae176396 Finfoots ITISvalid Family
Mesitornithes690731 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Mesitornithidae690732 Mesites ITISvalid Family
Mesoenatidae176149 ITISinvalidjunior synonym of MesitornithidaeFamily
Mesoenatides176148 ITISinvalidjunior synonym of GruiformesSuborder
Mestiornithidae557359 ITISinvalidunavailable, database artifact of MesitornithidaeFamily
Otides176416 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Otididae176417 Bustards ITISvalid Family
Psophiidae176200 Trumpters ITISvalid Family
Rallidae176205 Coots Rails foulques gallinules râles Waterhens ITISvalid Family
Rhynchocetidae557367 ITISinvalidunavailable, database artifact of RhynochetidaeFamily
Rhynocheti176402 ITISinvalidother, see comments of GruiformesSuborder
Rhynochetidae176403 Kagu ITISvalid Family