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Plantae (202422) >> Chromista (590735) >> Bacillariophyta (2286) >> Coscinodiscophyceae (590736) >> Chaetocerotales (590748)

Search Result

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Chaetocerotales590748Round and CrawfordITISaccepted Order

Children of Chaetocerotales

Scientific NameTSNTaxon AuthorCommon NameName SourceUsageReason (ITIS)Taxon Rank
Acanthocerataceae590790Ralfs in PritchardITISaccepted Family
Attheyaceae590804Round and R. M. CrawfordITISaccepted Family
Chaetoceraceae2757 ITISaccepted Family
Chaetocerotaceae572759Ralfs in PritchardITISaccepted Family